Immersive Secret Art Installation Draws Out Emotions From Participants
video shown at Venice Experimental Video and Performance Art Festival
Group exhibition in Shanghai featuring Clara Feder
Dreamchain : a transmedia participatory art project
Clara Feder's interview in ArticulAction art review
Mur de la Tentation, Interview de Clara Feder in Revue Commencements n°6, décembre 2014
New editing! Sous titres Français, Wall of Temptation, Cutlog contemporary art fair, New York City,
Opening of exhibition in Shanghai, sept 20th 2014
Preparing exhibition in Shanghai
#wallofttemptation the Human Wall is complete !
Participation in Soap Factory collective exhibition
Participation in the "Confluences résonants" project, by Palimpseste, May 6
Article in Artnet, May 7
Preparing for collective exhibition in Minneapolis!/Préparation pour l'expo collective à Minneapolis
New Video ! Introducing Wall of Temptation at Lift Conference/Presentation du Mur de la Tentation à
The Wall of Temptation selected by Cutlog Art Fair, New York/ Le Mur de la Tentation sélectionné par
Interview : Clara Feder au Musée Grobet-Labadié (French)
New article on Kreemo/ Un nouvel article sur Kreemo